Anchorite |
Increase 60% stamina when there are no enemies around you. |
Angel |
Increase 15% block probability and 15% Recover effect for every 30% lost HP. |
Aquarius |
Reduces the damage you take when in Impact status by 30%, and destroys all Projectiles it touches. |
Aries |
Increases damage dealts to opponents with shields by 80%. |
Bladestorm |
Grants 50% chace of unleashing a whirlwind attack when a impact hits, dealing extra damage equivalent to (75% Attack). If the oppenent is inflicted with break, this effect will definitely trigger. |
Bless |
Obtain a Shield equals to (80% Attack) after unleashing the Ultimate. Last for 2 seconds. |
Capricorn |
Impact Grants 50% chance to apply Unbalance to your rival after causing damage. During the period of effect, your rival's top will also lose certain Durability. |
Catalyze |
Prolong 100% duration of break on opponents, each breaked enemy will increase charging speed of your top by 50%. |
Celestial |
Increases your Attack, Defense, and Stamina by 10% every time a skill of a different term is used in the current battle. (Impact, Projectile, Block, Shield, Recovery, Creation, Break, Unbalance, Seal, Void) |
Colorful |
When crossing the border between the inner and outer circles, gain a (600% Defense) shield that last for 1.5 seconds. Effect has a 1.5 second cooldown. |
Corona |
Grants 5 pts extra charging and 50% cooldown when projectiles hit an enemy. Last for 1.5 seconds. |
Desire |
Grants a 5% to steal 5% stamina when colliding with the opponent, if your defense is higher than your target, otherwise, it will steal 20% defense instead. |
Destiny |
Increase 10% triggering chances of all skills contains probabilities. |
Devil |
When HP is higher than 60%, increases Attack by 30%. |
Divine Star |
Creates a starlight orb that lasts 4 seconds in the stadium every 5 seconds. Pick it up to recover HP equivalent to (50% Attack). |
Dreams |
Obtaining a recovery effect also increases your Attack by 40%. and destroys any projectile you touch. Lasts 1.5 seconds. |
Enlighten |
Grants a shield equivalent to 30% of lost HP when blocking. Lasts 2 seconds. |
Gemini |
Damage taken when inflicted when break heals the Top by 2% HP every second instead. |
Gladiator |
Increases Attack and Attack charging rate by 40%, but also increases the interval between impacts by 100%. |
Guardian |
Increases Defense by 10% every time the Top blocking, for a max increase of 50%. |
Heal |
Grants a 20% chance of recovering HP equivalent to (40% Attack) when the Top receives damage that is more than 20% of current HP. |
Hyperspace |
Creates 3 orb at a 0.5 second interval every 6 seconds. The orbs are launched as Projectiles at opponents after 1.5 seconds, dealing damage equivalent to (50% Attack) and knocking back opponents. |
Leo |
Reduces the damage taken from Projectiles by 60%. |
Libra |
Reduces amount of energy needed to unleash the next Ultimate by 12% every time the Top inleashes an Ultimate, for a maximum reduction of 36%. |
Pan |
Unbalance will not influence your top, and improve ultimate charging speed by 20%. |
Paper Doll |
Launches a slow-moving paper doll Projectiles every 3 seconds, which will attach to enemy after hitting, each paper doll reduces enemy's stamina by 12%, lasts for 3 seconds. All other spells duration will refresh when new spell is attached, and the maximum limit is 5 spells. |
Pisces |
Creates an energy bubble every 6 seconds, friendly Tops can get 20 pts charging when touching them. |
Revenge |
Launches a Projectiles that deals damage equivalent to 60% damage received in last 5 seconds every 5 seconds. |
Sagittarius |
Increases the rate of impacts by 40% when in the outer circle. |
Shatter |
Increases damage to Frozen enemies by 100%. |
Shuriken |
After lauching 3 impacts, throws 3 shuriken Projectiles at opponent. Each shuriken deals damage equivalent to (60% Attack). |
Slash |
Unleashes a mechanical slash every 3 seconds, dealing damage equivalent to (80% Attack) to nearby opponents. |
Sprint |
Increases charging speed by 100% when Ultimate charge is the lowest of all Tops in the battle. |
Surge |
Reduces impact interval and skill cooldown by 40%. Increases Stamina by 40% when opponent is inflicted with break. |
Taurus |
Reduces all damage taken by 40% when shield is active. |
Thunderclap |
Reduces the Attack of opponents inflicted with break by 30%. as well as dealing extra damage equivalent to (20% Attack) when attacking them. |
Titan |
Increases the Top's size and weight by 0.2 % for every 1% of remaining HP or shield. |
Transfer |
Converts 1% Attack to 1% Stamina every time 50 distance is traveled. |
Variable |
When HP is lower than 50%, recover 8% of lost HP every 1.5 seconds. |
Vengeance |
Increases impact knockback distance of both tops, inflict (60% attack) damage on enemy if it is knocked back against the outer wall. |
Virgo |
Grants a 30% chance of recovering (6%) of Max HP when dealing damage. |