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Driver Name Skill
Image Agility Grants a 30% chance of evading impacts, while charging Ultimate by 20 pts.
Image Batter Grants a 50% chance of launching an extra impact after dealing damage. This effect has a 4 second cooldown.
Image Battlecry Increase Attack by 50% when a impact hits. Lasts 1.5 second.
Beast Launches an impact when opponent recovering HP, with a cooldown period of 3 second.
Berseker Increases Attack by 3% every time the Top deals damage, for a maximum bonus of 90%.
Bloom Charges Ultimate by 20 pts every 10 seconds. Whenever the Top recovers HP, the interval of this skill is shortened by 1 second.
Burst When your projectiles hit on the opponent, grants 10% chances of dealing 300% of the original damage value.
Chill Freezes the enemy after blocking an Impact and dealing counterattack damage. Lasts 4 seconds. (it can't start the impact, and it will be invalid in advance when it is damaged).
Crystal Generates crystal emitter creations at the edges of arena every 3 seconds. The emitters generate light beams between themselves, dealing damage equivalent to (40% Attack) ti opponents who touch them. Emitters las for 10 second ad can be destroyed by opponents collision.
Curse Extends 100% duration of the debuff status on the enemy.
Delusion When your HP percent is higher than all opponents, make all tops in arena increase 50% weight.
Entrophy Reduces the damage you deal and receive by 100%. Effect weakens by 5% every second. Once the effect is fully weakend, damage dealt by your next attack is increased by 100% (small collisions will not trigger this effect)
Erosion Deals (5% Max HP) additional damage to enemies in break every 1 seconds.
Flame Increases Defense and Attack by 8% and recovers 5 pts of energy when taking damage from Projectiles.
Fleet Recovers 10% of Max HP every time 400 distance is traveled.
Gush Reduces the interval and cooldown of Impact by 10%. Effect is increased by 10% for every top with a debuff in the stadium.
Halo When Shield duration ends. Recover HP equals to 30% of the remaining value. Meanwhile increase same amount Attack, last for 3 seconds.
Infusion When the projectiles hit your opponent and deal damage to it, Recover HP equals to 60% damage.
Insight When the Top recovers HP. it deals damage equivalent to 100% of HP recovered to all opponents, with a maximum of opponents 30% max HP.
Leaf Each recovery is equivalent to 2% of max HP and increases Attack by 1%.
Lightning Unleashes a lightning attack that inflicts break on the Top furthest from the stadium's center every 6 seconds. If the lightning hits the user, it charges the Ultimate by 30 pts instead.
Image Lurk Make Top stay at the approaching position without moving, reduces 85% damage taken and increase 100% charging speed. Each damage taken have a 25% chance to invalidate this skill until the battle over.
Megalith Increases Stamina by 100% when RPM is below 20%.
Monarch For every 1 creations in the stadium, the Top's Attack, Defense, and Stamina are increased by 30%, effective to at most 6 existed creation.
Moonlight Extends the duration of the Top's creations by 50%.
Ode When a creation disappears, you gain 50% impact interval reduction and skill cooldown reduction for 1.5 seconds.
Pain Grants a chance of inflicting break on both the Top and the opponent and charging the Top's Ultimate by 20 pts when impact hits.
Piety Grants a shield equivalent to (1000% Defense) every 5 second. Lasts 3 seconds. While the shield is in effect, automatic charging rate is increased by 50%.
Rage Increases Ultimate charge gained through impacts by 30%.
Image Rampage Causes the Top to move erratically, and reduces the interval between impacts by 25%.
Ravanger Every 10 second, the next impact with an opponent inflicts break. Reduces cooldown by 1 second every time Top deals damage.
Image Shadow Projects blades to attack enemies when your top touch againts tge wal, deal (75% Attack) damage and knockback your enemy. Skill cooldown: 1.5 second.
Image Shock Grants a chance of inflicting opponent with break when blocking.
Soft When you have shield, gain 5 pts of Ultimate charge every time you receive damage. If the damage comes from projectile, this is increased to 10 pts.
Source Max HP increases by 2% every time it recovers HP. Up to 20 stacks.
Suprano Infilcts break when a Projectile hits an opponent. This effect has 5 seconds cooldown.
Throne Grants a shield equivalent to 1500% of Defence when entering battle. Lasts 5 seconds.
Time Every 12 second, teleports the Top to its location from 2 second ago, reverts its HP and RPM to the values of that time, and reduces 50% cooldown of other skill by 2 seconds.
Vortex Increases Stamina by 30% when in the center of the stadium.
Warfare Immediately lauch an impact after blocking.
Wind Switch between Circle and Central, move towards the area with no or fewer enemies.

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